When you start a business, you need to consider how you want to process credit cards. This is done through a process called Merchant Account, there are a variety of different accounts available and which will best suit your needs depending on the type of business and the physical facility that you have available for your business. Gone are the days when companies only accepted cash or paper checks. We now live in a virtual world where plastic is the way to pay. Your business won’t have a chance to make it without accepting credit cards and getting a high-quality and consistent credit card processing account. Depending on the type of business you run, you can take cards physically at your location where the customer would actually physically swipe the card, or you can obtain the information over the Internet through your online web store. Regardless of the type of platform you use, it is important to be sure that you are considering all options for your business.
Merchant accounts are accounts with a tape or payment processing center that allow you to actually physically accept and withdraw money from the credit card for your company’s products or services. There are many different platforms, including physical sites, e-commerce and phone processing. The beauty of the exception of credit cards will allow you to have customers from around the world that open up many opportunities for you to expand your business.
There are two many types of merchant service accounts that have card available and card non-existent accounts. These basic types also have a variety of subgroups, which we will discuss in more detail below.
An existing card account is just that, the card is present at the time of swipe of the card at the transaction. This is the type of transaction where the merchant is able to take the physical credit card from the customer and swipe it through his magnetic card reader. This type of account processing is very low risk as the customer himself is present at the purchase and has to sign, indicating that he has made the purchase. This merchant account also offers you the lowest fees and tariffs. Physical retail stores will want to consider this type of account as it is the most convenient for their customers and will cost them the least amount of money in the long run. It is also important for a retail location like this to also consider a mail order credit card processing account.
If a merchant has a portable credit card machine, this is called a wireless merchant processing account. The seller will still swipe the customer card in the same way, but the actual credit card machine is portable and wireless, which allows the machine to be portable and used in different locations. The fees for this type of account remain very low, but the cost of equipment are higher for this type of device. This would be a good option if you field business that needs to accept credit cards while you are in the field. These include home repairs, handicrafts or farmers market sellers or sellers. This will greatly increase the number of sales you can get from your business.
A store-and-forward account is the type of credit card processing account where credit card information is stored but not processed in a portable device. Once the device is connected to a telephone line and an Internet connection, the device processes all stored credit cards. Because credit approval is not granted in real time. This is an option that is ideal for companies that are on the move and need credit card acceptance, but have a low ticket value and few credit card rejections. It is very similar to a wireless account, but cheaper for the merchant.
There are a few smaller types of accounts that have been developed for specialty stores. The first is a grocery retail account specifically designed for places that sell perishable food and not gasoline. It does not have to be a large market, but it has to comply with the guidelines. These types of accounts are generally considered to be very low risk and have very low fees. Accommodation accounts are for those companies that are inside a hotel, motel or other unit where customers stay. Accommodation accounts have much higher prices than most map locations.