Marketing strategies that get you out of the water and into the sky and let you beat happily with your wings information to your goal of success?
If you consider that gooses take off in flight, flutter and beat the water, run on webs to take off into the wild blue over there, you could see yourself as founders of a new business. I know, I have. I struggled the longest time to figure out how to beat my wings with marketing and brought enough buyers to put my business out of focus. Then it happened. As if by magic, the customers began to arrive at my door.
If you’re not a birdwatcher, you may have missed snow geese that fly south every winter in a V-shape. But when I grew up in the crosshairs of goose hunters, I learned to pay attention to the signs of their arrival. What a wonderful time for a trip to the lakes. During the day, when the goose hunters were probably resting for their early morning hunt, we started to the lakes and watched the geese. Snow geese are mostly white, with magnificent wide wings that catch the air in flight. They fly with a mixture of systematic fluttering and jumping forward to push the stream.
After more than thirty years of observing them, it is not difficult to combine the points between the persistence of the snow goose and viable marketing strategies. I will pass on my findings.
1 – Geese know a good market when they see one.
Every year, as they move south into winter, snow geese find their way back to the lakes and fields in southeastern Colorado, where they know they will find good water and plenty of food for their journey. They lie around on early ice surfaces, dive into the water for beetles and minnows in abundance and fly to nearby fields to graze until their bellies are full. Then they rest for the journey.
Finding a good market means knowing what you need. Your business needs buyers who are hungry for what you offer. Once you know that your product or service is viable, valuable and desired, the only thing left to do is to offer it to the right buyer’s market. Bringing your products to the right buyers and meeting these needs is the key to starting a bank. Marketing strategies include a good buyer’s market.
2 – Geese return to the same market year after year.
Geese come back year after year. Some brilliant scientists and observers marked some of the geese with small bracelets on their legs and began to follow their migration. Once they arrive in an area, they return year after year for the same resource in that area.
Residual markets are important for your professional and business success. Once you have found the right market, it is important that you return year after year to make sure that the market belongs to you. Find ways to consult with your customers as they may not remember your name. Call them. Return and offer new products or services. Make sure they know that you are still available to serve them. Marketing strategies include repeat buyers.
3 – Geese never leave stragglers behind.
As you watch geese take off, you’ll notice that some of the younger, stronger geese always stay behind to make sure the entire herd is in flight before they take off. And they circle. Their V formation begins when they take off, and they circle the area until all the geese are in the air. Then they take off in the direction of their chosen path.
In business life, you stretch out your hand and connect. They network to bring in their entire market share. Invite recommendations. Talk to people and share what you have. Invite them to visit your website. Ask them to try your products. Offer your services to everyone in your market, because if you don’t serve them, they will miss the opportunity. Make sure you don’t leave the stragglers behind. The best marketing strategies keep track of the buyer markets.
4 – The geese take turns leading the herd.
The V formation of flying allows geese to naturally exchange the leading birds. Flying is hard work, and remember I said that your flight is a combination of systematic fluttering and lungeing? This lead bird paves the way for the herd, and when he gets tired, someone else gets up and takes the lead.